Unlike other match-moving applications, PFTrack allows you to manipulate tracking data at many levels. From the simple one button click approach, right through to building complex mattes and editing of individual camera parameters via spline-based F-Curves. Match movers rarely have a need to step outside the integrated toolset within PFTrack. PFTrack’s robust camera solver gives you fast and accurate results. Solving for the camera motion will estimate the path of the camera through 3D space, and reconstruct precise 3D camera and object motion paths out of any type of live action footage.
Not only does PFTrack provide you with the best and most cost effective professional Match Moving system on the market, it’s the hidden features that the competition can’t touch . Where PFTrack stands head and shoulders above the crowd is its comprehensive range of tools and its common-sense approach to dealing with complex workflow issues and data management.
Tracking and Match-moving Tools
- Automatic Camera tracking for six key motion types and multiple motions
- Geometry Tracking
- Object Tracking
- Stereoscopic Tracking
- Optical Flow Analysis
- Motion capture
- Tracking Guides
- User-assisted and automatic feature tracking
- Full Manual Tracking
- Delete camera path over a range of frames
- Lens distortion measurement and correction
- Feature Constraints
- Survey Data input tools
- Graphs to feedback Track and Calibration quality
- Coordinate-frame orientation facilities
- Mattes and feature mattes
- Test objects for additional feature groups
- Non destructive shot extension
Workflow Tools
- Fully Editable F-Curves
- Support for Cooke Lens I-Data
- Graphic display of tracking errors
- Fit to Ram playback
- Colour Keying
- User-loadable test objects
- Test object manipulators
- Linear and Bezier-spline based garbage mattes
- Per-camera and per-feature statistics
- Non-linear workflow
- Full Proxy handling facilities
- Highly Optimised clip playback engine
- Flexible Export path Management
3D Tools
- Per-pixel Z Depth Extraction
- Scene Reconstruction tools
Productivity Tools
- Cross-platform Batch Processing & Manager
- Scripting tools