
Complementing Apple’s products is CompositionBuilder, which allows designers to compose sophisticated, computer generated, real time video overlay graphics on a Mac for TV broadcasting, Web, IPTV and digital signage solutions. CompositionBuilder lets graphic artists create real time overlay templates literally in minutes.

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Designers combine elements from their favourite graphics applications and use CompositionBuilder to easily add animation effects with simple drag and drop movements. CompositionBuilder integrates perfectly with Adobe Photoshop; each separate Photoshop layer can be handled as an individual element in CompositionBuilder. Not only does this simplify the design process, it also reduces the time needed to learn new applications.

Artists also specify those elements that should be editable by journalists, such as the text of a superbar, colors and shapes of a weather map or scores for a sports event. Finally, CompositionBuilder templates are saved in Apple’s standard Quartz Composer file format and are ready to be played in CompositionPlayer and CompositionManager.

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