VSN NewsConnect

It’s time to produce news your way

Meet VSN NewsConnect, the first web plugin for Newsroom Computer Systems (NRCS) that allows users to interconnect all the third-party systems necessary to create their news production environment with complete freedom of choice. Improve the speed in news production and delivery by accessing all the journalist’s tools from a single and centralized interface.

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Direct access to VSNExplorer MAM

Within VSN NewsConnect, users have access to the most advanced and relevant features of VSNExplorer MAM, such as the ability to search files of any media in VSNExplorer MAM, regardless of where they are stored (deep archive, nearline or online. Likewise, it contains the VSNExplorer platform proxy player for media preview on the NRCS interface itself, adaptable to the available bandwidth.
  • Access from a single interface
Journalists and editors can access their NRCS, CG, NLE, studio playout and MAM systems from a single window, the NRCS system interface of their choice, without installing any additional software or hardware. This breakthrough allows them to make the most of their time and become more competitive in the execution of their tasks.
  • Cloud solution
VSN NewsConnect can be implemented in 100% Cloud environments thanks to its HTML5 development. This is a great added value to enhance collaborative work and remote production, allowing multiple users to create and produce news and live shows simultaneously from any geographical location.
  • Maximum compatibility
VSN NewsConnect is compatible via MOS with most NRCS and CG systems available in the market to allow reading the graphics template catalog and synchronizing the search and editing of graphics and media in a unified way. The system also features advanced integrations with most of the studio automation systems and Non-Linear Editors.
  • Remote interoperability
This plugin provides journalists with maximum freedom when creating a news story for any broadcast studio, since it is capable of adapting the media format and distribute it automatically to the different available receiving systems, even when these systems are from different brands or vendors.
  • Improved user experience
VSN offers broadcast and media companies the possibility to design their news production environment their way, so that users have at their disposal the best working tools that perfectly adapt to their needs from a single centralized environment. In this way, they can improve their efficiency and meet tight deadlines.
  • Access to an advanced MAM
With VSN NewsConnect, users have at their disposal one of the most complete MAM systems in the market within the interface of their NRCS, including powerful Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools for cataloging and advanced content searches, as well as one of the most agile web video editors available on the market, Wedit.

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