VSNExplorer BI

Analytics and reports to improve your performance

The Business Intelligence module of the VSNExplorer platform allows to extract all kinds of information about the company’s media assets, tasks, workflows and processes, including data from third-party systems, in order to offer a wide variety of useful charts, reports and dashboards ideal for business analysis.


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Reports’ advanced customization

VSNExplorer BI allows professionals to create custom reports and charts of all kinds to control the performance of their companies. Users can include filters based on specific information of their interest and even segment data by department. VSNExplorer BI also allows them to select the specific information they want to export in any format (Word, Excel or PDF). Some examples of real and interesting applications of this powerful tool would be the detection of inefficiencies and bottlenecks in BPs and workflows, analyzing the allocation and use of the company’s available resources to make it more efficient or knowing which videos or programs have been the most viewed of the channel in the last month.
  • Big Data analysis
Thanks to the great volume of data that VSNExplorer BI allows users to compile and analyze, the system administrators and company managers can make better business decisions based on real data directly extracted from their company, as well as monitoring all business processes to achieve a more productive management of the available resources
  • Custom reports
Users can customize the type of reports and charts (bar, column, ranking, circular, enumeration, speedometer, etc.), as well as the data displayed in those. They can also export these charts and reports in different formats (PDF, Word and Excel) or display them in custom dashboards indicated to analyze the performance of the entire company in a very flexible and visual way.
  • Detection of inefficiencies
Some of the most interesting applications of this powerful tool are the detection of inefficiencies and bottlenecks in workflows and business processes (BPs), as well as providing statistics and reports to analyze how to solve these problems. It favors making strategic decisions that promote a more efficient use of the available resources to make companies more productive and efficient.
  • Integration with third-party systems
The VSNExplorer BI module allows data to be extracted from third-party systems, with the aim of offering companies full control and analysis of theit business. Crossing data from different sources facilitates the monitoring and optimization of all the company’s processes.
  • Designed for media companies
VSNExplorer BI offers a detailed analysis of the performance of audiovisual content, media files, workflows, BPs and, in short, of all the resources available in any broadcast and media company, based on the data and information collected directly from specific software and systems of this sector (MAM systems, PAM, BPM, traffic and scheduling, playout and many more).
  • Easy to use and intuitive tool
For all those users who do not have previous experience in the use of analytics and reporting systems, the VSNExplorer BI module is an ideal tool. It offers a series of reports and analytical dashboards generated by default, so that professionals can start to extract the maximum value of their companies’ data analysis from the start.

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