Nucoda Look

An entry level grading solution based on the industry leading Digital Vision image science technology and Nucoda colour tools. It is ideally suited for use as a pre-grade assist station, either in the facility or on-set. When used as a preparation station for the Nucoda grading systemed to ingest or conform video or film content directly onto the timeline ready for editing and pre-processing. It is also an excellent post grade deliverables system.

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  • SD/HD video ingest and layoff supporting batch digitise and layoff direct from timeline/list
  • Automatic conforming of digitised video and film scans onto timeline, including audio
  • Comprehensive editorial toolset for material preparation
  • Playback of SD, HD, 2k,4k and 3D material
  • Shared project and GUI structure of main Nucoda finishing solutions for collaborative workflow
  • Multi-functional toolset with inclusion of DVO tools to allow maximum flexibility – build the solution that is right for your workflow
  • DVO Software options – choose from image restoration, enhancement or format conversion tools
  • Turbine – distributed background rendering for multiple file creation and delivery

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Digital Vision